Apache Trail's re-pavement is a beautiful unlit racetrack with diamond grade glowing paint strips flawlessly winding through the switchbacks. Darkest of dark, the moon still below the horizon, several feet of visibility made it seem like a test of trust that the road wouldn't suddenly end sending me off a cliff. Why didn't I get a picture of that?
My adventure died off pretty quick. Sometimes all I need is to get on the highway with some good tunes and dark roads to think clearly. I realized I was still honing my night photography skills and found a perfect spot to watch the moon rise.
My main problem from my last trip to Mogollon Rim was focusing my lens. So I worked on that problem first. After going through my images I now know I have another variable I need to master. The damn earth spinning through space. I didn't think about opening the aperture, which would have made a huge difference too.
Honestly not a problem. My main goal was to get away for a minute and that was accomplished.